Do you mind my asking a quick question drawing from your expertise of AWS D1.1?
Table 4.6 of AWS D1.1-2010 is a list of supplementary essential variable changes that would require WPS requalification due to CVN (Charpy V-Notch) testing requirements. Under base metal (item 2) it indicates:
“minimum thickness qualified is T or 5/8” whichever is less except if T is less than 1/4” then the minimum thickness qualified is 1/8”
I take this to mean that to qualify a PJP groove weld of a 3/16” plate a weld procedure would have to be qualified using 3/16” thick material (“minimum T or 5/8” whichever is less”). Do you agree?
I had been going off of the table 4.2 where a 1” plate would qualify for a range from 1/8” to unlimited thickness. But that table is not intended for Charpy requirements. So I may have been wrong with using table 4.2 when Charpy requirements exist. I can see the need to qualify the thinner materials when CVN is required due to the heat input changes due to the thickness changes. But just want a second opinion.
Oh those damn CVN requirement...
I currently have 2 clients that I'm working with on this issue. Your assessment of the CVN Supplement is correct.
What we advised for our client to do was to machine the test plates to a nominal of 0.230" (because I also wanted to insure I was under 6mm to eliminate any code questions). We completed PQR's on 0.230", 0.3125" and 1.0" material, that covered our range.
Other things that bite ya for CVN requirements is...
"Max. Interpass Temp": If interpass tempuratures were to be measured under 125F the Maximum qualified interpass tempuature qualified would be under 225f. This would limit Preheat Catigory A and C Steels to 1-1/2" max. and Catigory B Steels to 2-1/2" max.
Good to hear from ya Wes.